Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kuey teow goreng with all binatang dilautan

I loves this. Sebab apa? Sebab senang. And sebab kalau masak confirm habis walaupun masak 2 bungkus and only 2/3 ppl makan. Hahaha. And thats why diet tak penah kurus. 

What do you need :

Kuey teow. 
Fish cake/fish ball. 
Cili kering (rebus and blended with bawang kecik sebiji) nak pakai cili boh pun ok

Kicap manis
Fish sauce

How to :
First, blanched your kerang. Yes blanched. Bukan rebus. Water in a pot. Boiled it. Sampai mendidih2. Then masukkan your kerang. Count to 10 sec. And take it out. Sieve and let it cool under running water. Simple je. Why i dont rebus, sebab i want the kerang to be half cook. Nak goreng lagi nanti.

Kopek your kerang. Put it aside.
Ok now udang, peel the skin but please keep the head. Of course trimmed lah sengugut and the head. And your sotong, siang and potong. Both your udang with heads and sotong seasoned it.

On a hot pan, a splash of vege oil. Put in your udang and sotong. Masuk satu2 please. dont dump it in. We are doing a light frying je ni. When the shrimp and sotong are nearly cook. Take it out from the pan.
The prawn head. Let it get crispy on the pan. This might take a wee bit longer dalam another 2-3 mins. Make it crispy!!! 

With the same pan add up another dose of vege oil. It is important to use the same pan with all the prawn and sotong residue. That will make your kuey teow sgt sedapppp okeh.
Tumis your blended chili. Low heat. About 2-3 mins masukkan fish ball/cake if your desire. And then masukan kuey teow that you have washed earlier. Mix it around. Put in a healthy splashed of kicap manis and fish sauce. Put in two spoon of warm water. 
Masukkan the partially cooked prawn and sotong. Do put in telur sebiji/dia. Tossed it around again. 

Put in your kerang together with all the liquid in the bowl. That is gold!! This is when you cranked up the heat. Quickly put in your taugeh and kuchai. Kacau sikit. Taste it to know if need to put more kicap or fish sauce. 

Serve while hot with cili padi potong rendam dalam kicap cair and fish sauce 

I know this is not your traditional recipe of  kuey teow goreng. But believe me, this recipe maybe lack of ingredient of not in taste'

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Easy peasy macaroni and cheese

Its been a while since i post anything here. Gibran was diagnosed with ASD recently and it has since turn my life 360c. Alhamdullilah it just mild ASD. And we are coping and giving him t
Our best support. 

Nevertheless, im trying my hardest to eat healthy and gluten free since will benefits gib in the long run.

Ok back to the recipe

This is one of the dish that i whipped up two to three times a week. I mean, come on.. It cheese. My kids will go beserk everytime i said that im gonna make them this. Lols. If only they know, when make this, its means that i  am VERY VERY LAZY. Because it is that easy. Simple and cheap

What you need

Instant macaroni
Salt and pepper 
Cheese. Apa: cheese je lah. Cheddar/mozzarella 
A spoon of flour( in using a gluten flour for this recipe)
A bit of parsley( tak mau pun takpe)

Thats it!!

Boil 3 cups of water. Dah didih masukkan macaroni, depends on how many people you are feeding. I make about 2 cups macamtu lah. Put in salt and a splash of oil. Actually ni ikut instruction at the packet. Ada certain you have to cook about 8mins ada yg 10 mins. I always take out my macaroni about 1 minit before sebab i like it to be a bit chewy. Or  "al dante"

In another pan. Low heat. 1 1/2 spoon of butter let it melt slightly and put in the same amount of flour. Wisk. Until it coperated.and slowly pour in a cup of milk. Keep stir it until it became thick. Put in cheese. Im using 2 slice cheese je. Nothing fancy. Im using this iranian brand cheese bought at sri ternak. Rm12.10 for 24 pieces. Gile apa tak beli. 

Stir/wisk until you get the consistency that u want. It should be sticky and goooeyyyyy. If it too thick. Pour in some more milk. Salt and pepper to taste. And lastly put in the macaroni yg dah siap rebus tadi. Stir it in and serve. 

Simple kan?

If you are wants a variety. Put it in a baking dish and bake it for 20 mins. 180c and you will get a baked macaroni and cheese!