Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Black pepper chicken paling simple dalam dooonniiaaaa

I had a large batch of order for sherperd pie and macaroni and cheese yesterday.

It was 2am mcm tu. Lapar. Ikutkan boleh ja makan the sherperd pie mmg buat cukup2 for customer. Plus i was craving something spicy.

Hence, jadilah resipi black pepper chicken paling mudah sesuai if you sgt2 malas. I always has this masa bujang2 dulu. Reminiscing the old times

How to? 

Chicken cut to small pieces, marinate with kicap manis+oyster sauce+cili padi( potong halus)+black pepper and satu sudu tepung jagung. Mixed it all. 

Pan with a spoon of butter. Put everythibg in and cover up your pan. Tak payah nak tunggu panas pun takpe. Remember, this is a very lazy cooking. Dont judge me please. Lols. 

If you dont have a cover for your pan, buat lah makeshift cover pakai aluminium foil. Let it be on the pan for 5-6 mins. Dah masak, angkat. Eat with cold rice. 

Sedap. It taste a little teriyaki like but with the cili padi it will definitely has a lil kick in to it. Great makan ngn nasi sejuk, Esp makan at 2am. Fatty fatty bam bam. Hoh. 

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